Alonzo Mourning, Super Nice Dude

What’s 6’10”, has a goatee, went to Georgetown, has Patrick Ewing on speed dial, played for the Heat and stops Miami traffic in its tracks to help those in need? Not, Rick Ross (silly) it’s Alonzo Mourning, Traffic Boss. According to the Sun-Sentinel, Zo hopped out of his SUV in Miami and stopped traffic to help a disabled person across the road.

Mourning’s vehicle had been sitting in traffic on the right lane, when he spotted a disabled person sitting in a motorized wheelchair along the curb. Mourning jumped out of his SUV, stood in the road and stopped traffic by raising his long arms, while the wheelchair-bound pedestrian made it to the median. Then, the seven-time NBA All-Star who was wearing a white dress shirt and tie with slacks, immediately went to the southbound lanes and raised his arms to command stunned drivers to stop. All traffic movement instantly stopped, and the wheelchair safely made it to the other side.

Like the title says people, he’s a super nice dude.

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